PHP Collection ============== Collection is a functional utility library for PHP greater than 7.4, including 8.0. It's similar to `other available collection libraries`_ based on regular PHP arrays, but with a lazy mechanism under the hood that strives to do as little work as possible while being as flexible as possible. Functions like `array_map()`_, `array_filter()`_ and `array_reduce()`_ are great, but they create new arrays and everything is eagerly done before going to the next step. Lazy collection leverages PHP's generators, iterators, and yield statements to allow you to work with very large data sets while keeping memory usage as low as possible. For example, imagine your application needs to process a multi-gigabyte log file while taking advantage of this library's methods to parse the logs. Instead of reading the entire file into memory at once, this library may be used to keep only a small part of the file in memory at a given time. On top of this, this library: * is `immutable`_, * is extendable, * leverages the power of PHP `generators`_ and `iterators`_, * uses `S.O.L.I.D. principles`_, * extensively tested, * uses strict types, * framework agnostic. Except for a few methods, most methods are `pure`_ and return a `new Collection object`_. Also, unlike regular PHP arrays where keys must be either of type ``int`` or ``string``, this collection library lets you use any kind of type for keys: ``integer``, ``string``, ``object``, ``array``, ... anything! This library could be a valid replacement for `\SplObjectStorage`_ but with much more features. This way of working opens up new perspectives and another way of handling data, in a more functional way. And last but not least, collection keys are preserved throughout most operations; while it might lead to some confusion at first, please carefully read :ref:`this example ` for the full explanation and benefits. This library has been inspired by: * `Laravel Support Package`_ * `DusanKasan/Knapsack`_ * `mtdowling/transducers`_ * `Ruby Array`_ * `Collect.js`_ * `nikic/iter`_ * `Haskell`_ * `Ramda`_ * `Lazy.js`_ Features -------- - **Decoupled**: Each Collection method is a shortcut to one isolated standard class, each operation has its own responsibility. Usually, the arguments needed are standard PHP variables like ``int``, ``string``, ``callable`` or ``iterator``. It allows users to use those operations individually, at their own will, to build up something custom. Currently, more than :ref:`100 operations ` are available in this library. This library is an example of what you can do with all those small bricks, but nothing prevents users from using an operation on its own as well. - **It takes function first, data-last**: In the following example, multiple operations are created. The data to be operated on is generally supplied at last. .. code:: php 'foo' !== $userId; // Using the Collection library $collection = Collection::fromIterable($data) ->filter($filterCallback) ->reverse(); print_r($collection->all()); // ['baz', 'bar'] // Using single operations. $filter = Filter::of()($filterCallback); $reverse = Reverse::of(); $pipe = Pipe::of()($reverse, $filter); print_r(iterator_to_array($pipe($data))); // ['baz', 'bar'] More information about this in the `Brian Lonsdorf's conference`_, even if this is for Javascript, those concepts are common to other programming languages. In a nutshell, the combination of currying and function-first enables the developer to compose functions with very little code (*often in a “point-free” fashion*), before finally passing in the relevant user data. - **Operations are stateless and curried by default**: This currying makes it easy to compose functions to create new functions. Because the API is *function-first*, *data-last*, you can continue composing and composing until you build up the function you need before dropping in the data. See `this Hugh Jackson article`_ describing the advantages of this style. In the following example, the well-known `flatMap`_ could be composed of other operations as such: .. code:: php Pipe::of()( Map::of()($callable), Flatten::of()(1), Normalize::of() ); $callback = fn(string $name): array => explode(',', $name); print_r(iterator_to_array($flatMap($callback)($userData))); // ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'john'] On the internet --------------- * `Reddit announcement thread`_ * `Reddit release 2.0.0 thread`_ * `Featured in PHPStorm Annotated August 2020`_ Changelog --------- See ``_ for a changelog based on `git commits`_. For more detailed changelogs, please check `the release changelogs`_. .. _array_map(): .. _array_filter(): .. _array_reduce(): .. _nikic/iter: .. _DusanKasan/Knapsack: .. _mtdowling/transducers: .. _Ruby Array: .. _Collect.js: .. _Ramda: .. _Haskell: .. _new Collection object: .. _SplObjectStorage: .. _Lazy.js: .. _Laravel Support Package: .. _pure: .. _S.O.L.I.D. principles: .. _iterators: .. _generators: .. _immutable: .. _other available collection libraries: .. _Brian Lonsdorf's conference: .. _this Hugh Jackson article: .. _flatMap: .. _Reddit announcement thread: .. _Reddit release 2.0.0 thread: .. _Featured in PHPStorm Annotated August 2020: .. .. _git commits: .. _the release changelogs: .. toctree:: :hidden: Collection .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Table of Contents Principles Requirements Installation Usage API Tests Contributing