Usage ===== Find here some working examples. .. tip:: Read the section on :ref:`Working with keys and values` to better understand the differences between working with Collection compared to normal PHP arrays. The same principles apply to all :ref:`API methods `, giving you great power to manipulate various types of data if used correctly. Simple ------ .. literalinclude:: code/simple.php :language: php Advanced -------- Working with keys and values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example shows the power of a lazy library and highlight also how to use it in the wrong way. Unlike regular PHP arrays where there can only be one key of type int or string, a lazy library can have multiple times the same keys and they can be of any type! .. code-block:: php // This following example is perfectly valid, despite that having array for // keys in a regular PHP arrays is impossible. $input = static function () { yield ['a'] => 'a'; yield ['b'] => 'b'; yield ['c'] => 'c'; }; Collection::fromIterable($input()); A lazy collection library can also have multiple times the same key. Here we are going to make a frequency analysis on the text and see the result. We can see that some data is missing, why? .. code-block:: php $string = 'aaaaabbbbcccddddeeeee'; $collection = Collection::fromString($string) // Run the frequency analysis tool. ->frequency() // Convert to regular array. ->all(false); // [5 => 'e', 4 => 'd', 3 => 'c'] The reason that the frequency analysis for letters 'a' and 'b' is missing is because when you call the method ``Collection::all()`` with a *false* parameter, the collection converts the lazy collection into a regular PHP array, and PHP doesn't allow having multiple time the same key; thus, it overrides the previous data and there will be missing information in the resulting array. In order to prevent this, by default the ``all`` operation will also apply ``normalize``, re-indexing and re-ordering the keys. However, this might not always be the desired outcome, like in this instance (see examples below). Other ways to circumvent this PHP array limitation: * use the ``wrap`` operation on the final result, wrapping each key-value pair in a PHP array * do not convert the collection to an array and use it as an iterator instead It's up to you to decide which approach to take based on your use case. .. literalinclude:: code/duplicate-keys.php :language: php Serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The collection object implements the `JsonSerializable`_ interface, thus allowing for JSON serialization using the built-in PHP function ``json_encode`` or a custom serializer like the `Symfony Serializer`_. .. tip:: By default the collection is not normalized when serializing, which allows its usage as an associative array. However, when it is used as a list and there are missing keys, the ``normalize`` operation should be applied before serialization; not doing so will likely not result in the desired outcome, as shown in the example below. .. literalinclude:: code/serialization.php :language: php Extending collection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes, it is possible that the feature set provided by this library is not enough. Then, you would like to create your own collection class with some specific feature added on top of it. If you want to **extend** the Collection, you have multiple options. 1. You just create a ``callable`` and use :ref:`pages/api:pipe` method. 2. You use the Composition design pattern and create your own library class. 3. Use the `CollectionDecorator` abstract class available since version 7.0.0 Every classes of this library are ``final`` and then it is impossible to use inheritance and use the original Collection class as parent of another one. You can read more about Inheritance and Composition by doing a query on your favorite search engine. I also wrote an `article`_ about this. Find here an example on how you could extend the collection class and add a new operation ``foobar``. .. literalinclude:: code/extending-collection.php :language: php Since version 7.0.0, we ship a `CollectionDecorator` abstract class which let you create your own Collection class with all your customizations. .. literalinclude:: code/extending-collection-with-collectiondecorator.php :language: php Manipulate strings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/string.php :language: php Random number generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/random-generator.php :language: php Approximate the number e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/e.php :language: php Approximate the number Pi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/monte-carlo.php :language: php Approximate the golden ratio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/goldenNumber.php :language: php Fibonacci sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/fibonacci.php :language: php Gamma function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/gamma.php :language: php Prime numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/primes.php :language: php Text analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/text-analysis.php :language: php Random number distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/random-numbers-distribution.php :language: php Parse git log ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/parse-git-log.php :language: php Collatz conjecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/collatz-conjecture.php :language: php Read a file ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/read-file.php :language: php Lazy json parsing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/lazy-json-parsing.php :language: php Calculate N-Grams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/ngrams.php :language: php Interactive Fizz-Buzz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: code/fizzbuzz.php :language: php .. _article: .. _JsonSerializable: .. _Symfony Serializer: